IF YOU SEE A SWARM OF BEES, CALL/EMAIL US ASAP ! REPORT A SWARM ON OUR "REPORT A SWARM" PAGE Promote, educate, support beekeeping in Hawai'i
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Big Island Beekeepers Association

Our mission is ​to assist fellow beekeepers; to educate beekeepers and the public in matters related to honey bees and beekeeping; to cooperate in marketing honey bee products; to provide community service related to bee issues; to promote beekeeping by creating a positive image of honey bees, beekeeping and bee products.

Bees at Work

Upcoming Events

Beekeeper Holding a Honeycomb

Monthly Meeting

February Monthly Meeting

Meetings held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month either online via Zoom and/or in-person at the Kamana Senior Center at 127 Kamana Dr, Hilo HI 96720

**Meeting link via Zoom is only sent to active paid members

Get on our mailing list for monthly Zoom meeting links and reminders ! 


Annual Hawaiian Honey Challenge

Statewide challenge to showcase the diversity and quality of the honey produced to raise public's awareness. For the beekeepers, it is a platform for recognition of their work.

Save The Bees Hawai'i

Campaign initiated for the creation and passage of an updated, fair and inclusive County of Hawai’i bee ordinance that will allow bees and their keepers to flourish and continue to provide benefits to our island’s economy. 

Keep In Touch
Mailing Address

PO Box 366

Pāpa’ikou HI 96781


(805) 399-2422

Contact Us

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